The Power Of Psychological Safety

Digital Masterclass 1 June 2021

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We tend to associate safety with protection against physical threats.

Psychological Safety

Cultivating Candid Teams

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety links trust with candor and the desire to make a difference. It gives employees a sense of belonging, encourages them to express their views, openly discuss mistakes made, and contribute promising ideas. It leads to demonstrable improvements in ownership, collaboration, learning, creativity and performance.


Joriene Beks

Expert in creating Psychological Safety.

Joriene Beks

Expert in creating Psychological Safety.

Joriene Beks (1976) uses her extensive practical experience and knows how to set people and teams in motion to achieve this in a well-founded, enthusiastic and sober way.

Psychological Safety


Hans van der Loo and Joriene Beks have written a book that makes you think about psychological safety. The book inspires and stimulates to get started with creating a safe and at the same time flaming work culture. To show the courage from now on to simply share your opinion within your team. But also to dare to be vulnerable and to openly talk about mistakes made. To dare to speak to others. To take the freedom to spread new ideas.
This book tells you how to succeed and what bumps and obstacles you may encounter along the way. With practically applicable tools to create bold teams.


Onlines Masterclass

Next year there will be an online masterclass. You will be taken into the world of psychological safety. You learn where it comes from and what it is and what it is not. You are also offered glasses to take a good look at your own team. What type of team is it? What will your team help? How do you improve?
The masterclass offers you practically applicable tools to grow yourself and with your team towards a psychologically safe and flaming work climate.
The masterclass consists of 5 modules that you can complete at your own pace.


11/25/20 14:53:00 |

Hans Koenderink is Commander Intelligence Operations (CIO) at Australian Federal Police. He has already read our book. Read what he thought of it here.

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